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February 24, 2023

Is it Crazy to Buy an Expensive Mattress

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Everyone wants to sleep on a luxurious mattress but when the time comes to actually purchase one at a higher price tag, we don’t always make choices based on our wants and needs. Our short-term purchase decisions can be pennywise but pound-foolish. Let’s walk through the pros and cons of value vs expensive mattresses.

As such, many mattress manufacturers offer a budget-friendly mattress – normally an innerspring style or a low-end, all-foam option. These lower-priced options are, likewise, made with lower-quality materials and often need to be replaced within fewer than five years. In short, paying for a higher-quality product often pays off in the end, as the price is also linked to the longevity of your mattress.

Average Mattress Prices

An average innerspring queen mattress may cost around $900 but will last under 10 years. An average memory foam queen mattress may cost around $1,100 but will last about 10 years. A hybrid queen mattress with an average price of $1,500 will last at least 10 years (and hybrid mattresses also have other features that make them worth the price difference). The most expensive mattress material lasts the longest, with 15- to 20-year lifespans. An average latex queen starts around $2,000 but lasts twice as long.

Mattress Materials

The biggest factors in determining the cost of a mattress are the quality of materials and craftsmanship that go into making it. The type of material you choose can drastically change how much you pay for the mattress and determine how long it will last.

The mattress your neighbor sleeps on and loves may not be ideal for you. Each mattress material has its own advantages but not every mattress style is ideal for every type of sleeper, regardless of the price. Your sleeping position and lifestyle play a huge role in which mattress is right for you.

It is vital to purchase a mattress that fits your body and sleep style needs.

Back and stomach sleepers often prefer the firmness and support of a latex or innerspring mattress while side sleepers often prefer the softer cushion of a memory foam or hybrid mattress. Although these tend to be the popular choices for each type of sleeper, it is important that you try each style in person so your brain and your body can make the decision together.


An innerspring mattress is the most traditional and affordable mattress available. The quality of an innerspring mattress depends on several components used in the construction of the mattress. The type of coil system, gauge of the coil, and materials used in the comfort layer or top of the mattress all factor into the overall comfort, durability and price of the end product.

The comfort layer of an innerspring mattress contributes to the overall feel of the mattress. These layers slightly conform to your body, providing a cushion between you and the firmer support layer beneath. The simplest, least expensive innerspring mattresses and firmer style mattresses consist mainly of the coil support core with a thin foam cushion or two for the comfort layer. A high-end innerspring mattress can have a multitude of materials like poly foam, memory foam and latex in the comfort layer of the mattress to provide a luxurious feel.

The support core layer of an innerspring mattress can vary as well. Bonnell coils are found in low-end innerspring mattresses as they are the most basic coil style and the least expensive. Continuous coils, offset coils and pocketed coils are found in higher-end innerspring mattresses.

Memory Foam

Serta IComfort Memory Foam And Hybrid Mattress Only Memory foam was invented in 1966 by NASA to improve aircraft cushions, but the first memory foam mattress wasn’t made until 1991. Memory foam mattresses are commonly known for their cradling, body-hugging feeling and are now one of the most popular mattresses sold today. They are also easily compressed and rolled up into a shipping box, making storage and delivery of this mattress style quite cost-effective.

Like any material, the quality of memory foam can differ. Another feature to pay attention to is the density of the memory foam used to make your mattress. The density of memory foam used for mattresses can vary from one-pound density to five-pound density. One-pound density mattresses could develop body impressions and need to be replaced as early as a year or two after purchasing.  A mattress made with three- to four-pound density or higher should last you over a decade.

The lower-density foam mattresses may sell for a low price, but that quality varies when comparing the cost. You may want to spend a little more now to save you money in the future.

Although memory foam is one of the most incredible innovations in the mattress industry, that does not mean that every memory foam mattress is right for everyone. Do your homework and lie on your mattress options before deciding. Your body may do the deciding for you.

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Hybrid Mattresses

Hybrid mattresses, which often consist of both innerspring coils and memory foam, are typically more expensive than standard memory foam styles. Hybrid mattresses represent a blend of two or three materials in one mattress and utilize the best features of each. By combining multiple materials, the mattress created is a balance between cushioned comfort and adaptive support.

Puffy Royal Hybrid Mattress A hybrid mattress is designed to provide moderate firmness, superior support, and plush padding, but not every model contains the same materials from top to bottom. The comfort layer of your hybrid mattress may contain memory foam or latex or a combination of both.

The most common hybrid mattresses use pocketed coils that are individually encased in fabric in the support core of the mattress. Pocketed coils compress individually, therefore, they are much better at motion isolation than traditional interconnected coils. They also affect the durability and the supportiveness of the mattress. Natural latex can be used as the support core in a luxury hybrid mattress, but is not quite as common.

Choosing a hybrid mattress gives you both the features and benefits from a few different mattress styles.

Natural Latex

Latex is a natural material made from the sap of a rubber tree and is considered the most natural mattress you can get. It generally lasts 15 years or more and costs more than mattresses made from synthetic materials, but is worth the investment.

Latex comfort foam cradles your hips and shoulders and provides pressure relief for your spine and joints. Its natural elasticity maintains natural spinal alignment and lightly supports your back and neck. It is hypoallergenic, naturally antimicrobial and biodegradable. Natural latex foam has an open-cell structure to permit constant airflow, enhance breathability and regulate body temperature naturally.

There are two different ways latex can be manufactured. Dunlop mattresses are made by pouring the latex in one single pour, making the mattress dense on the bottom and soft on the top. Talalay is the result of latex being poured into the mold but then vacuumed to get all the air out. Then it is frozen, making the overall consistency equal throughout the mattress. Talalay mattresses tend to be sold at a higher price due to the longer processing time.

Ensure that the latex or hybrid mattress you are looking at contains natural latex and not synthetic. Synthetic latex may be less costly but will not have the same benefits that a natural latex mattress offers, the durability and longevity especially may be compromised.

New Technology

Purple Pillow with Booster New technology plays a big role in the price difference in the mattress industry today. Memory foam in the 60s had a huge impact on the mattress manufacturing world. Newer developments, like the air/Smart Bed in the 90s, and even Purple’s GelFlex Grid in the last 10 years, continue to give troubled sleepers a chance for quality sleep.

Health Benefits

Inexpensive mattresses are made with inexpensive materials, particularly innerspring mattresses, which easily collect dust mites, dead skin cells and even bed bugs. These common allergens cause discomfort for regular allergy sufferers. Natural latex mattresses are naturally hypoallergenic and antimicrobial, leaving no room for allergens to collect.

Other health benefits with higher-end mattresses include special features like Purple’s GelFlex Grid for support, comfort and airflow, and Instant Comfort’s dual chamber, air Smart Bed for adaptable comfort and support.

Mattress Lifespan

As mentioned above, the lifespan of your mattress is determined by the materials that comprise and the quality of those materials. Innerspring mattresses last an average of eight years, memory foam and hybrid mattresses vary from 10 years to 15 years, and latex and airbeds tend to last about 20 to 25 years.

Manufacturer Perks

Airbeds often have as long as a 25-year warranty. Certain components, like the outside cover or cushion layers, can be replaced to avoid purchasing a brand new bed.


Innerspring mattresses tend to have warranties ranging from five years for a low-end mattress to about 10 years for a luxury style. Memory foam and hybrid mattresses warranties vary from 10 to 15 years depending on the quality and brand, while latex and airbed warranties are normally about 20 to 25 years.

At Mattress Express, we handle your warranty directly for you to help make your experience as hassle-free as we can.

You spend one-third of your life in bed. Your body needs a good night of rest to re-energize and help you stay healthy. Although it may not be necessary to buy the most expensive mattress in the store, it is important to consider a higher-end mattress an investment in not just your body but in your mind and overall health as well. Start your mattress research on and then head into your Mattress Express location of choice to try out your favorites.